Jack and Karen: Coast to Coast

Friday, October 28, 2005

Dear All Potential Employers:

I would like to know what a girl has to do to get a job around here. I possess all of those skills employers say they want in a job applicant – I’m smart, hard working, highly organized. Any skills I haven’t yet gained from previous positions, I will do my best to learn as quickly and efficiently as possible. I can work independently or I can play well with others.

As far as getting a sense for an applicant, I understand it can be difficult based on just a cover letter and resume. Let me help you out. Unlike many people who lack focus, I have an excellent work ethic and I take pride in any work I do. I’m not afraid to work overtime if needed. I may not know exactly where I want my career to go, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t work hard. I can handle a lot of tasks while keeping a sense of humor. I get along well with nearly everyone and I’ve developed many contacts over the years. Sure, there are a few people at my last job who could give a less than stellar report, but for those three, I have thirty others who could offer glowing recommendations.

Now that I’ve stated what you would be getting, let me tell you what I ask in return. I expect my coworkers to take their jobs as seriously as I take mine. I expect to earn the respect of my superiors and, in turn, give them my respect. And I expect to be fairly compensated for my time and effort. I don’t believe it’s an unfair request.

Oh yeah. So I didn’t get that job. Crap.


  • At 3:40 PM, Blogger Randi said…

    I am sorry. I have been there/done that! I hope that things work out for you soon. Hang in there. You are too damned fantastic not to get a GREAT job.

  • At 5:35 PM, Blogger Misty said…

    Maybe you should use that for your next cover letter?


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