I’LL BUY YOUR MAGAZINES: Two adorable guys stopped by the apartment Friday selling magazine subscriptions to raise money for a trip their athletic team was taking somewhere. (What team and what sport I don’t remember; I was just excited to have a couple guys on my doorstep.) Anyway, I didn’t have much money to give them and I told them – like Jeff keeps telling to say to people at the complex because of lease issues – to come back when my “boyfriend” was home. One said they couldn’t because they were allergic to boyfriends and the other said that my boyfriend was lucky to have me. Damn it! I ended up giving them a few dollars to add to a subscription for charity.
THEY CAN’T HAVE ONE, WHY SHOULD WE BE ABLE TO? Jeff and I drove by the Planned Parenthood office here in town on our way to play tennis Saturday and there were people on the sidewalk protesting abortion. Now, I have no qualms with people who are pro-life or pro-choice, but it pissed me off to see that of the five people who were protesting, all were men. Until their girlfriends get them pregnant and leave them high and dry, I won’t be taking their arguments seriously anytime soon.
HE CAN CALL ME ‘LASSIE’ ANY TIME: I watched a rerun of Colin Farrell hosting SNL. He’s got it all – the dark looks, screw-you attitude, the Irish accent – except I’m not fond of the longer hair. I like it when it’s the fuck-me length… you know, just long enough so you can get pull on it during sex. I know, it’s not healthy to be infatuated with a bad boy but I just can’t help myself. SIGH. OK… I have to stop now.
(JEFF) I HEART THE 80'S:So I came out to Tasha yesterday. We were watching VH1 and they did a segment on Rainbow Brite. It accidently came out that I had a crush on the Blue rainbow brite. I'm admitting to it cause she would out me if I didn't. (So I posted the pictures of her doing the Flashdance dance.) TASHA: Yeah, 'cause we're so even when it comes to publishing embarrassing moments on the blog. Please.
GIVE ME A JOB… PLEASE? I had a job interview today and I think it went well. (It's in a neighborhood called the Tenderloin. An omen?) I’m debating whether or not to take it if they offer because of commuting time/costs and whatnot. I think I would really enjoy the work but it depends on if I can afford to do it. Isn’t that always the case? Lots to think about in the next few days so more in the upcoming days on this subject. (Jeff: The Tenderloin is the ghettoest ghetto in the city. If you get mugged, it's not my fault!)
At 9:38 AM,
Tasha said…
FYI: We got spammed so we added the word verification option to comments. Don't let that scare off y'all. We still want ACTUAL comments. It makes us feel loved (and at the very least amusing).
At 12:40 PM,
Misty said…
Boo spammers! Boo!!!
At 4:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Re the Tenderloin: IF she gets mugged?
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