Jack and Karen: Coast to Coast

Monday, April 17, 2006

An update and random observations

PLANES, TRAINS and AUTOMOBILES – My parents came down this past weekend for the holiday and my birthday. It was nice to see them; we shopped, ate and did touristy things. We took a train ride at the N.C. Transportation Museum and accidentally found Dale Earnhardt Inc. Mom took lots of pictures and Dad got to see some race cars so all was good. They also brought the rest of my stuff. Now I just have to unpack those last few boxes.

THE BUNNY BLEW OUT MY CANDLES – Speaking of birthday, it was very low key. I did the usual Sunday stuff – cleaning, and grocery shopping – but Misty did take me out for dinner. I also got a balloon and cake at work last Thursday, and various cards and gifts from family and friends. (Thank you to everyone who posted, emailed, called and thought of me. It means a lot.) Getting older isn’t such a big deal. Yeah, I know, I’m only 26. I may be young, but I already have gray hairs. And I’m really OK with that. Honest.

JUST HOW COMFORTABLE IS THAT BENCH? – I followed Misty to the fitness center here at the complex tonight and just watched her work out. I don’t do well with treadmills; it’s a balance thing. Anyway, I did have a mental workout when a guy came into the gym. Lots of obscene thoughts centering on me, him and the weight bench. I really should start working out again to my strip aerobics DVD if I want to do even half of the stuff I thought up.

SAY IT AGAIN! – I realized I find immense pleasure in hearing Misty spout such terms as “frozen milky goodness” and “titty fuck.” Don’t know why but those phrases coming from her mouth send me into a fit of giggles. By the way, I want to clarify that those phrases were not used in the context let alone same sentence.


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