Jack and Karen: Coast to Coast

Monday, February 13, 2006

It ain’t all candy and roses.

Who knew the day before Valentine’s Day could feel like an episode of the Twilight Zone. It started out OK, but then as soon as I get off the bus at work all hell breaks loose. A car accident happened in an intersection less than 30 seconds after I crossed through it. I didn’t see it but the sound of twisting metal and glass was enough for me. Luckily, both drivers walked away but I think one was stunned by the airbags.

Then I get to work – scheduled to work a mid-shift (not opening or closing) – and find out a girl called off sick. Not usually a big deal except it’s a jewelry store the day before V-Day. Two of us worked overtime and closed the store. The good news? Because guys wait to the last minute to buy gifts, we nearly doubled the sales goal. I wonder if I can squeeze a bonus out of this. And tomorrow I get to do it all again. As long as it doesn’t become my Groundhog’s Day.


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